Very good antenna, good quality materials, 5 bands ... I recommend it!
CS7ALF Constantino
Antenna BIG SIGNAL SkyLine
After trying many verticals, today I work with what for me is the best vertical for 11 meters. The performance far exceeds 5/8. Best of all, the absence of QRM.
30VDX01 Jose Antonio
Antenna BIG SIGNAL CQ-11
From the first day I tried it, I was amazed, at first I thought I had put it wrong, there was nothing of QRM.
30RC248 Andoni
DX stations "fall" with an impressive ease, most stations ask about the type of antenna.
An exceptional antenna for operations in /Portable, I used it in several expeditions and always behaved of 10.
In addition, it does not need much height, and the SWR 1:1 in the whole band, recommended at 100 %.
30AT046 Oscar
Antenna BIG SIGNAL DL-11
Just next day when the antenna up I worked 271DA/0 and my near my QTH using a 4 element Yagi can?t no work them. It?s a Big Gun antenna.
34AT040 Nino
Antena BIG SIGNAL 4BS-11
It is true everything written by colleagues who have opined on this antenna and I just want to emphasize that it is an excellent antenna, with a great behavior in both RX and TX very simple and fast assembly and above all I want to congratulate the Big Signal team for the care with which they treat their products, which are of a great quality. I also want to say that the
Your staff's attention is just perfect
Antenna BIG SIGNAL DL-11
30JCL1 Jose Luis
Due to the little space I have available for antennas, I decided to purchase this model.
My only intention was to be able to do local QSO more efficiently, without expecting great results.
My surprise has been enormous when I started receiving stations at more than 2,700 km with low propagation conditions.
Ireland, England, France, North and South of Spain, Cape Verde and some other surprise has given me.