An exceptional antenna for operations in /Portable, I used it in several expeditions and always behaved of 10.
In addition, it does not need much height, and the SWR 1:1 in the whole band, recommended at 100 %.
30AT046 Oscar
Antenna BIG SIGNAL DL-11
I have been 2 weeks with the SKYLINE installed in my QTH about 10 meters and I only receive joys, it has a very good bandwidth 1.1 in the whole band and in all its bands. Horizontal and omnidirectional polarization (NO PRECISE ROTATOR) and a low level of QRM, when I say low I mean null.
Antenna BIG SIGNAL SkyLine
EA4GYR Samuel
It is true everything written by colleagues who have opined on this antenna and I just want to emphasize that it is an excellent antenna, with a great behavior in both RX and TX very simple and fast assembly and above all I want to congratulate the Big Signal team for the care with which they treat their products, which are of a great quality. I also want to say that the
Your staff's attention is just perfect
Antenna BIG SIGNAL DL-11
30JCL1 Jose Luis
Just next day when the antenna up I worked 271DA/0 and my near my QTH using a 4 element Yagi can?t no work them. It?s a Big Gun antenna.
34AT040 Nino
Antena BIG SIGNAL 4BS-11
Using the antenna for the SOTA program and only 5 W. of power I have managed to make QSO of up to 170 kilometers in VHF
EA2ECA Joseba
Antena BIG SIGNAL BiQuad-270
What a GUN antenna! When I do DX to North America they are very surprised that I answer them, when they are in minimal working conditions (100 W. and a wire dipole).
EA7JQO Javier
The antenna works incredibly. A lot of stations in Norway were wondering what I was using and if I was using a 1 KW amplifier.
LA4GPA Frank
I tried by my own senses that if everything they commented on that antenna was true, the QRM was totally reduced to zero, now the friends tell me that if I speak alone, they are not able to copy some of my contacts and surprised with the reports.